Sunday, January 18, 2009

Replying to questions

Not sure if people are reading the comments, so to answer some questions: You're right Betty- color is amazing. The trip into the mountains reminded me somewhat of California. The housing is unique - never seen anything like it. Thai architecture is functional yet attractiive. Love the food. Hotels in the "lanna" style. Lots of wood. Tomorrow to Laos - hope to see inauguration in evening on TV. Have had CNN in all hotels so far.

No, Ted, we are not trying much of the "medical textbook" type food. It's incredible enough just to watch it - lots of it moves. We have had some scrumptious food though. Our favorite restaurant here is called, "The Riverside" (thanks for the tip, June). We sit on the river, and have the most delicious fish. Our bill for 3, with drinks, appetizers and desserts, is never more than $45. It's probably the most expensive restaurant in town.

Tom , we haven't run into any monarchs in Chiang Mai. Maybe we'll catch the king again when we loop back into Bangkok in a couple of weeks. We're excited to be discovering Luang Prabang tomorrow. More soon.....


Betty said...

Oh, Denise, I am so happy to get blogs from you - I am doing your trip vicariously - is that the word? - I have checked out the map and distances, etc. What puzzled me is that you are going back to Bankgok to go to Egypy? Or did I mis read that? Is Bangkok a central city?

Paul and Becky said...

Wow!!! You guys mov e too fast for me...I have trouble keeping up and I am just reading about your journey!
Loving the pics...they Do say so much. The temples look amazing!
Just one thing for Julie....would love to see more pics of You with your fab smile!

Denise Grassart said...

Betty - We are doing a big loop in Asia - up north to CM, then to the 2 Laotian cities to the East, down to Cambodia, and back West to Bangkok. Yes it's a huge central city, with a brand new airport, that would put any of ours to shame. So amazed too, at the marriage of old and new in Asia. Although they are obviously very up to date with technology, they have preserved all of the historical sites. Before Egypt, we have Delhi, Agra, and Dubai. So glad you are enjoying our rambling comments. There's so much to process.
Paul and Becky - Yes, the temples are almost on every street. Julie has taken lots of pictures, which I'm sure she'll share with you at some point. So far the pace has been perfect. We don't feel rushed, stressed or overwhelmed. Today will be a laid back, massage filled, pure pleasure day. How is life in San Francisco?