The 3 of us took the Oriental river boat over to the other side last night for dinner and the Khon performance. Very elegant restaurant on the water with gorgeous terraces and gardens all lit with gentle spotlights. The dinner was a set dinner with many tiny courses that were beautifully presented and delicious. The only thing was that even though the wait staff assured us it was "not very hot/spicy"....... Denise and I had to give John a lot of our dishes... we really tried, but Thai food is intensely hot/spicey for Westerners. We still had enough to eat, even with that. The performance was wonderful. Several "scenes" or parts of the longer traditonal dances were performed......... see photos.
Those costumes are amazingly gorgeous! I get more and more jealous with each blog entry!!!
These pictures are beautiful, as are the dancers and costumes. This is an image straight out of the movie "The King and I". The dance sequence from that film,"Small House of Uncle Thomas" is totally derived from these native costumes. (It is also my favorite part of the movie and I have probably watched it 100 times)!!!
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