Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tuesday, Laos

We are taking it easy today with massage, blogging, re-packing, confirming itinerary details, etc.
(Monday) ... Tomorrow we fly to Luang Prabang, Laos, so it might be a day or two before we can find a way or time to blog again. As per requests, we will try to include ourselves in more of the photos at this point.... but someone has to take the pictures and Julie is a Visual Design and Control Freak. I can say that since I am the Julie I speak of. However, I will try hard to let someone else take the camera from my hands so I can be in some photos, too.
Denise has been very generous with her little computer book and is making sure we get plenty of massage therapy; and John is the patient, good natured guy he always is and finds funny souvenirs. Plus he makes sure we get to the next airport/hotel and is a trouble shooter par excellence. Having a Big Guy with us is a nice plus, too.

1 comment:

betty said...

The pictures and descriptions almost put me there...almost!
I don't comment often but I am following the trip with fascination.
Betty (Illinois Betty!)