Friday, January 30, 2009

From Laos to Cambodia

We have been taking advantage of the quiet beauty of Laos to prepare for our visit to Cambodia. Our peaceful hotel at the end of a dirt road, in Vientiane, was just what we needed. Yesterday we arrived in Siem Reap. The city has been discovered. I saw a sign that said, "Kentucky Fried Chicken coming soon". You'd better hurry, before the Westernization becomes overwhelming.

We jumped in a tuk tuk, and explored the old city, with it's old market. It was very animated, with rows of stalls selling all sorts of items. After that I made use of the hotel pool, and sat in the shade, reading to prepare for the next day's trip to the temples.

One of us will write about that. I am leaving for an Apsara dance performance and dinner. These dances are depicted on the walls of Angkor's temples. More soon......

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