Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hong Kong continued

Sorry for the delay folks, but we've been traveling. There are way too many things happening in one day, here in Asia, to tell all in a blog, but maybe a few moments we can share, will make you feel like you're here. Pictures should help.
Sunday, I spent the day with my cousin Nicole, and her colleague, Kathryn. Nicole is preparing for a trek in Nepal next week. She said we'd do a leisurely loop in the hills of Kowloon. When I saw the steep climb ahead, I told them I would just wait for them at the bottom - but they wouldn't here of it, so off we went, higher and higher. After 2 hours we were rewarded with an amazing view, that I don't think I will ever forget.
We celebrated with a dim sum feast, back in HK. Then we were off for our evening at the famous "Peak". More about that later.

Hi Everyone, Julie here to fill in some details about our evening at the Peak in Hong Kong. We took a funicular up the steep slope to the Peak (after enduring a mad crush of people to get onto the train). It was so steep that you had an optical illusion looking out the window onto the all the modern high rise buildings ... they appeared to be tipping over or about to fall onto us! Anyone reading this who might remember the old movie with William Holden called "The World of Suzie Wong" will recall a scene where the two star crossed lovers meet at the top of the Peak and it is pastoral place with views of both sides of the island ... no high rise buildings.
Well, that day is long past. The Peak is full of new, tall luxury residences and at the very top is a huge glass and marble mall with a series of several levels of escalators that take you to the top viewing terrace where you can see both sides of HongKong island. We had a great dinner later nearby where the menu had options from several world cuisines... as do quite a few restaurants in Hong Kong. It is China, but not China at the same time. Hong Kong seemed to be about great wealth and striving, or at least that seemed to be a theme I experienced from our short stay.

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