Saturday, January 10, 2009

On the other side of the world

Well, the flight was excellent. I was able to stretch out in business, lying flat or gently propped up. It made all the difference. We arrived, went to our respective hotels, and fell asleep until the morning. My cousin, Nicole, lives at the Four Seasons residences. Best of both worlds. It's a beautiful apartment, with a drop dead view of the water and the skyline, yet housekeeping does the dishes and changes the linens. I like when the front desk welcomes me back. The hospitality is incredible.
Today I woke up at 5:30 - yeah, it's early, but I slept all night. Virtually no jet lag. 16 hours time difference from our last stop in San Francisco. We did so much today. We started by riding a bus up into the mountains. The combination of the hair pin curves, riding on the left side of the road, and very narrow lanes, plus riding on top of a double decker, made for an exciting journey. We scoured the market at Stanley, then strolled down to the water, and found a wonderful Vietnamese restaurant.
Our afternoon was spent in the "real" Hong Kong. The small shops, selling every possible animal, vegetables and fruits you've never seen, and tiny shops with, shall we say, strange things for sale. We're still pondering what those things actually were.
We sailed to Kowloon, on the other side of the bay, this evening. Every evening the city of HK puts on a spectacular light show, with music, and lighting on the buildings downtown. After that we ate a fish dinner and decided we were too tired to go to the night market. Tomorrow maybe. We did take some pictures, but we're in the process of figuring out the logistics of posting them. Stay tuned.


Sabine said...

Cant' wait to see pictures! As you may or ma not know, you are escaping yet another snow storm here in Chicago...ridiculous! At least, it's warmer.

Paul and Becky said...

This is getting exciting! We are so glad to see a daily
(when possible) account of your journey. The markets sound incredible...they are always some of the best parts of a trip.
Just wondering...did Denise get an upgrade on CP?

Denise Grassart said...

Sabine - I'm so happy to not be in the snow. But I'm even happier to be here. There is so much to learn, my dear, and travel is such a great way to learn it.

Paul and Becky - You would _love_ the markets here. The senses are in high gear - seeing the incredible ( I know I've been using that word a lot, but it's so true - you can't believe what you're seeing), colors, smelling the wonderful food, incense, touching the fabrics. We went to our first temple yesterday. That was an experience. Seeing all the people, with their offerings of food, praying and interacting. Nobody seemed to notice us.
As for the flight - my light did not work, so they said they were sorry and would give me a voucher for duty free. I said that was very nice but I wasn't interested, and that I could not spend all those hours without being able to read. So, in a completely packed plane, they found a seat for me in business. Praise the Lord and gods.

Paul and Becky said...

Hey Denise...that is the kind of story I love! We should all hope for a broken light on a long flight!

I am glad you are all having such a fab time...keep the great reports coming!

J & J....Michael and Joanne say hello and hope you have a great trip!

Agence Mylae, wedding planner said...

Chère Denise,

Comme cela fait plaisir de ressentir combien tu apprécies ce voyage et tu croques la vie!
C'est chouette de te lire on a l'impression de voyager un peu :-)

Je reviendrais lire vos messages mais d'ici là: ENJOY!!!

Gros bisous