Sunday, January 4, 2009

Travel Olympics 
John and I have our warm weather and cold weather layers packed and now are looking at the dining  room table with a vast spread of medicines, toiletries, electronics, papers/tickets, etc. that will need to be carryon. All 3 of us have the same 24" bag with 4 wheels (to check) we found on sale!  We're going to look like we're  on a mission. We do have some room to spare, but will definitely have to buy a cheap suitcase in Hong Kong to check with "souvenirs/shopping" and
there's always Shipping...I feel like I could do a show on how we strategized clothing and packed!
People might figure it out pretty quickly once they see photos though.....

1 comment:

Annie said...

Seriously- that table was insane! I have never seen organization like that before!