A trip like this is never what you think it's going to be. The three of us expected to be challenged, pushed to our limits, astonished maybe. But I think we didn't realize how enlightening it would be to stay in these countries.

Yesterday our tuk tuk driver took us to his "home". There were a half dozen adults, and several children. There will be no pictures of this. Let's just say, basic needs were not taken care of. A structure (I use the term loosely), on stilts - all open to the elements. There was a 2 year old sleeping in a sort of hammock. I thought of my granddaughter, Sophie, who turned 2 this week. I wished that all of my family and friends could have shared this moment.

Yes, Cambodia is Angkor Wat - and splendid it is. Angkor is on everything, from the name of our hotel, to the local beer. Cambodians are proud, and well they should be. What we were not prepared for is the actual living conditions of the people.
We took a boat trip today to the "floating villages". The pictures will speak louder than my words.
We took a boat trip today to the "floating villages". The pictures will speak louder than my words.

Hi travelers! I'm not commenting on Denise's post, just want to tell you a couple of things going on this side of the world. Then some more questions.
I mention this - not because it is "newsworthy" - but because of the time. Listening to the radio today, I heard that this week is the FIFTIETH anniversary of the deaths of Buddy Holly, Big Bopper and Richie Valens. FIFTY!!!! Boy, where did FIFTY years go????
A woman in Cal gave birth to 8 children. She is single, lives with her parents and has 6 kids already - including a set of twins and an autistic child. The parents' previous home was lost to foreclosure. Read that and look at the poor in Asia - who don't have the "luxury" of welfare. It is causing quite a stir in the ethics circles. I think the fertility drs should have their licenses revoked.
Enough - now the questions - how has the weather been? Humid? Buggy? Rain? Have you been buying any of the exotic spices so you can make the recipes back home? Do you like the foods? Agreeing with you? Hotels? How did you select the places you're staying at? Anything you haven't liked? I had more questions but can't remember them.
Denise-it is all so beautiful how can you bear it? Kathy
Denise-it is all so beautiful how can you bear it? Kathy
Denise-it is all so beautiful how can you bear it? Kathy
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