Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our first night in Laos

How to describe this place? The guidebooks call it "paradise on earth". Hilly landscapes, walkable streets, French Colonial and Buddhist architecture. It's a peninsula, with lush mountains and the 2 rivers, the Mekong, and the Nam Khan. It's truly another world - like nothing we have ever seen. Largely undiscovered, though Unesco has made it a World Heritage Site, to try and preserve it. No Starbucks, Seven Eleven's or MacDonald's here.

We got in late yesterday afternoon, and strolled through a meandering market, with brilliant colored textiles, and crafts from the surrounding villages. We chose a restaurant right on the Mekong, got a prime table, ate a scrumptious meal - my dinner was fresh fish in banana leaves, a variety of vegetables, and a bananas Foster type dessert. We had huge bottles of Lao beer, and marvelled at our good fortune. When the bill came - $20 for all 3 of us, we couldn't believe it. All this, and cheap too?

We strolled over to a local bar, which had a gigantic - I've never seen one this big - screen, and chose our seats for the inauguration. I don't think any of us will ever forget experiencing it with the Laotian people, and a variety of travelers from many countries. The ambience was so friendly. By law, the bars are supposed to close at 11:30, but they stayed open til almost 1, so that we could watch the speech.

This place might be our favorite so far. We'll have to get some pics up so that you can get a small idea. Your turn to tell us what life has been like on the other side of the globe.


june said...

Oh!! We would love to be there with you guys. Next time can we hid in the luggage!!

Denise Grassart said...

Absolutely. You must come here soon, in case it gets spoiled. I hope not, but you never know.

Betty said...

I sent a lenghty post and an error occurred . . . again - is it just me?

Betty said...

Ok - another try . . . Watching tv and not watching some catastrophe! I hope our new pres. stays safe and can get us out of the mess we're in. Wall St. wasn't impressed though . . .

I've been reading up on and looking at pics of the places you saw/will see and am anxious to get your pics and thoughts. This was the longest post (or missive of any sort over the years) from you, Denise.

12 degrees this am (I'm also checking the weather where you are.)

Betty said...

Forgot to ask - are you flying from place to place? What is security like? Is there a 3 oz. limit? What do you do about toiletries?

Kathy in Chicago said...

Hi Denise-we are still freezing here in Chicago even though the temperature is no longer 20-30 below. Add that to all of the snow we have had and we are becoming experienced arctic dwellers. But I must say it is beautiful. However, you picked a good time to leave the midwest! Everything else here is good; we are going to make more soap this weekend and I am trying to get folks to go to the cabin this winter to enjoy the snow up there. Last weekend the snow in front of the cabin was up to my thighs. I am so happy about Obama and so hopeful. He undid a number of Bush rules today and called leaders in the middle east with hopes of starting a dialog of peace with them. Do you feel any lifting of animosity towards the US in your travels? Well I guess I don't need to tell you to enjoy-you guys sound like this is the trip of dreams. Keep safe. Love Kathy

Denise Grassart said...

Answer time again - Yes we are flying everywhere - no trains, buses, tuk tuks etc. Security has been very smooth - don't have to take shoes off. There are more than enough toiletries in the hotels.
Yes, animosity is definitely lifting. It's so refreshing not to have to apologize about that.
As for the weather - it's probably about 80 right now. I'm on the balcony of my room, looking down over the banana trees, enjoying the sun and the quiet of the garden. Anybody want to join me?

Denise Grassart said...

When I hear about the cold and snow, it's almost hard to remember what it's like. Arctic dwellers? It's not appealing to me. I'm glad we have Paris to transition back to the real cold in the States. We're a long way from there now, though.....