Thursday, January 8, 2009

On to Asia

After a full day of absorbing SF, a great lunch with Vinny, and a wonderful dinner at Becky and Paul's, I'm getting ready for the journey to Asia. John has done the check in, so we should be ready. Julie is a trooper - neither broken foot, nor painful back is keeping her down.
On another note, I've heard from a "follower" of this blog, that she was unable to post a comment. I'm checking in to it. See you in Hong Kong.


Damien said...

Have fun, and see you in Lille!

Paul and Becky said...

Paul and I loved having dinner with all 3 of you last night! Wonderful and safe journey....Rebecca

Kathy in Chicago said...

here I am trying again. You are in the plane now I presume, crammed in between two over-sized low level American businessmen whose technique for long distance flights is to drink and then drink some more. Okay that's a nightmare-I hope it isn't happening and that you survive in one piece whatever the circumstances. Take care. Kathy
I think this is going to work this time!

Aymeric said...

Yea, enjoy your trip! and keep us posted...

Also, please post your itinerary.

Denise Grassart said...

Will try to post more detailed itinerary. See cities on the left of blog page.
Loved that dinner in San Fran - the pizza and salad were wonderful, and the company even better.
I hope it's warmer in Lille when we arrive. I saw that Madrid has been paralyzed by a very rare snowstorm.
Thanks for your concern Kathy, but as you can see, the flight went very well.