Saturday, January 17, 2009

Doi Suthep temple on a mountain

We took a hairpin turn ride up a mountain to see the Doi Suthep temple...300 steps lined with ceramic tiled naga (dragons) lead up to the Buddhist temple...... lots of people there as it was Saturday and a family outing for many... (BTW,.. we are virtually the only Americans anywhere we have been on the entire trip.. once in a while we see a few Brits or Aussies, or maybe French, but really almost all Thai people..)


Betty said...

Everything is so colorful. It's such a drab day, it's a pleasure to see color! How is the countryside? The places where the people live? Do you like the food? Accomodations? Where will you be on Inauguration Day and what time will it be? Will you watch on the computer?

Denise Grassart said...

You're right - color is amazing. The trip into the mountains reminded me somewhat of California. The housing is unique - never seen anything like it. Thai architecture is functional yet attractiive. Love the food. Hotels in the "lanna" style. Lots of wood. Tomorrow to Laos - hope to see inauguration in evening on TV.