Saturday, January 31, 2009

Answers to questions again

We get CNN, BBC, and all the standard cable fare in our rooms, so we knew about the Cal woman. Didn't hear about the rockers though. Weather has been beautiful - low 80s and sunny. There are mosquitoes, and I had an attack from fire ants at one of the wats. I am thoroughly enjoying the food here - haven't tried everything, by any means, though. Julie and John are buying some exotic spices. As a whole, we are acclimating very well. We consulted Trip Advisor, among other sites, and haven't been disappointed yet. The Tara Angkor, where we are now, is a 4 star hote, with all the bells and whistles, at a much lower rate than you'd pay in the states. It's a stark contrast to the way most of the people live here.


Betty said...

Have you taken an elephant ride? In the mountains - has the elevation along with the heat been a problem? I'm glad you told me about the Trip Advisor - I'm right there with you (almost). Where will you be staying in Delhi and Agra? I'd like to check out the hotels there - and all the rest of your trip. I've never seen pics of inside the Taj Mahal. It all looks so beautiful. Is the time going fast?

Denise Grassart said...

No time for elephants on this trip. No real problems with heat and elevation. The natives keep telling us how "cool" the weather is now. Don't have our hotel names handy, but remind me later. The time is going very fast. We're flying to Bangkok today, then India on Thursday, Dubai on Sunday, and I'm off for a week to Egypt, meeting my friend Judith there, while J&J go to Paris. Betty have you ever considered doing a blog yourself? I think it would be fun for you.

Betty said...

I see it's hot in Bangkok. Give me the hotel names along the way. Will you meet with J and J in Paris? I was surprised to see the temps to be as moderate as they are. I expected them to be much higher.

I know you all knew that the countries are very poor, but it seems you are overwhelmed as to just HOW poor they are.

Angor Wat looks amazing - with those trees enveloping the structures. I did see a pic of a temple you have to really climb up to - not for me!

Temps here are "warm." It was in the 50's yesterday. Same for today but ssome snow comes in the next couple of days - not much, so far.

Denise Grassart said...

Betty - we are at the Holiday Inn Silom in Bangkok, but this is like no Holiday Inn you've ever seen. I just ordered my pillows from a choice of about half a dozen. The level of service and the amenities are astounding.
I do plan to meet J&J in Paris, and also my friend Judith from Chicago. The time is going so quickly....

Betty said...

Beautiful rooms! I checked the travel website and looked at a few pick of Bangkok. Colorful! I'll check out more later. I'm meeting Maryann for lunch (remember Maryann Jackson?).

Kathy in Chicago said...

Denise, I am glad to see you have used your dancing talents to such advantage and that your name has changed from drama queen to dancing queen-perhaps after a Hindu goddess? And your clothing as modeled in the slides is so beautiful. Kathy