Friday, January 2, 2009

3 days to go.....

Everyone is a publisher, when it comes to blogs. Very empowering. I recommend it. The struggle now is the suitcase - getting 2 months in 1 bag. What do I do with all those cords for computer, camera, I Phone? Clothing is an after thought. It's a good thing we're not climbing on this trip.
I saw "The English Patient" again. By the time we get to Egypt, I may be ready to just lie down in the desert.
This isn't a sprint - it's a marathon. Are we ready for this, trippers?


Slideguy said...

I read somewhere that Gov. Palin got all them clothes in just TWO small carry-on bags!

C'mon girl -- wash n' wear!

Terry in Vancouver

Julie Messenger said...

Palin lied.

Denise Grassart said...

Hey "Slideguy". Good to hear about the fine Governor from Alaska. I'll have to take some lessons.
How are things in Vancouver?