It's been great staying in Lille with Damien, June and the kids, but today I take the train to Paris, and tomorrow, the plane to Chicago. They will be coming to the States at the end of June, so it's not too far off.
It's hard to believe that the trip is coming to an end. Of course, I want it to last as long as possible, and I want to take advantage of every moment. Here in Lille, I've loved walking the cobblestone streets, admiring the architecture, exploring the great boutiques, and of course, being with friends and family. I could definitely live here. But then I could live in a lot of places.
I'm approaching the return to Chicago with a bit of trepidation. Cold weather, work stuff that awaits me, and a to do list that I dread. But there are friends and family that I'm looking forward to seeing. And of course, there's the next few months, when I must assimilate all that's happened in January and February. Trite, but true, this kind of trip is life changing, and my gratitude is deep.
Obviously, I hope to be planning the next great trip, asap. Any ideas?
It's hard to believe that the trip is coming to an end. Of course, I want it to last as long as possible, and I want to take advantage of every moment. Here in Lille, I've loved walking the cobblestone streets, admiring the architecture, exploring the great boutiques, and of course, being with friends and family. I could definitely live here. But then I could live in a lot of places.
I'm approaching the return to Chicago with a bit of trepidation. Cold weather, work stuff that awaits me, and a to do list that I dread. But there are friends and family that I'm looking forward to seeing. And of course, there's the next few months, when I must assimilate all that's happened in January and February. Trite, but true, this kind of trip is life changing, and my gratitude is deep.
Obviously, I hope to be planning the next great trip, asap. Any ideas?
The photos of the kids en Lille are so great! The photo
of Grandpere and the table is SO FRENCH. It is the old time France we remember, that table and that sweater on Grandpere. The table and room are so spare but those 3 beautiful bottles of vin rouge stand for abundance and comeraderie. I love it.
I'm soooo looking forward to seeing you. Email me when you are settled in as I'm sure you have a lot on your plate!
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