Yes, we sure are glad that you're such a faithful reader, Betty. Keeps us on our toes. So here are your answers:
Julie and John picked most of the hotels. I was more involved with the suggestions for which countries and sights to see. You're right - everything, so far, has gone very smoothly. We're going to Dubai today, where our hotel says - "No internet, no alcohol". So we'll have to see about that.
I've had absolutely no desire for Western food. We just came up from the most delicious variety of foods at the breakfast buffet, here in Delhi, at the Radisson. I think it was my favorite breakfast of the entire trip, and that is saying something. We Westerners are so stuck in the bacon, eggs, cereal trinity, that we ignore the possibilities to delight our tastebuds.
You asked if there are many crowds at these places. Quite frankly we are so astounded at the lack of people. Americans are nowhere to be seen.
So as we leave India today, I'll let J&J enlighten you on the sights of Agra and Delhi.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
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Since it's "no alchhol, no internet" I don't know when you will get to this - but don't forget to give me names of hotels. Dubai seems an odd place - I've seen so many pics - where do the workers live? Everyone can't be living on the man-made islands or high rises. What are your plans there? Is it expensive? I'm quite interested in Egypt - altho not the heat part. I do hope you'll keep me up to date. I know you're all overwhelmed by what you're seeing and by the end of the day you don't want to download or post. But, I hope when you get back you will make up for that!
Temp is 60!! Warm yesterday, too. It's been a bearable winter - snow but no raging storms (yet). Most will be melted by the end of the day. Your trip is winding down already. Can you remember everything?
Betty - I will give you all and any names when I get home. I'm in an Internet cafe listening to people phoning and talking in all sorts of languages, so this may be confusing. Workers live in nice "residences". Surprisingly enough, this place, at least where we are staying is a very nice neighborhood, with people going about their daily activities, not far from the beautiful Dubai creek. Again, virtually no tourists. Will people ever travel again? We often have restaurants to ourselves, and the hotels are quite empty. We've walked all along the creek (it's huge and very clean) most of the morning and had a delicious lunch, with a very nice view. We also visited a museum this morning, when a gentleman motioned us in to check out the architecture. Wound up spending quite a bit of time there, as it was very interesting, and well done. After this we're going on a boat trip. So far, not expensive. And the people are gracious, while the service continues to astound us.
You wonder if people will ever travel again . . . not with 20,000 jobs being lost every day. Things are really, really bad here and in the rest of the world. We fly to NM "free" because the nursing home costs go on our credit card. Otherwise, I don't think we'd go 2-3 times a year. The mag industry is doing very poorly - several thousand were let go this weekend and it will only get worse. That's not to say that there is still wealth and people will travel, but surely not to the extent as in the past.
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